
This expresses images in various ways by using the straightforwardness of the laser light which has strong cohesive force. As the method to reflect the lay of laser by mirror or operate the movement of light by programming has been developed, it has been used as a part of sculpture art. Currently, as many optical devices and programs are developing, the ways of expressing by using the lay of lasers is diverse.


The direction of laser art is divided into graphic and beam ballet. The laser graphic production is similar to the production of animation. However, the image can be produced with small frame due to the characteristics of the laser graphic program. These days, many software programs directly produce graphics by converting photo image files. The beam show produces the sensation of space by programming the movement of the laser beam. The designer can produce directly through software and direct the beam in real time. If it is produced with a mist effect like fog, it will be a more magnificent scene. Tunnel effect causes optical illusion to audiences as if they are entering a tunnel. The beam show created in the air can produce the sense of space and deliver the effect in a very wide scope.