Holo Screen
Holo Screen is a transparent screen with slver coating on the front side and transparent screen is installed in the air from the top horizontally between stage and audiences.
We project image to the holo screen in front projection type to form 3-D effect between performers and audiences.

In the 3D holographic projection, 3-D image is replayed by high definition projector and reflected on the reflector installed on the ceiling or floor. The reflected image is projected on the large scale transparent screen installed at 45 degree angle and reflected in the air, so the image is like being floated in the air. This is called as floating method. The expressiveness is getting the spotlight as new artistic media too to express 3-D space through 2-D plane as the technology has been developed. The produced hologram 3-D image has mysterious charm and the hologram art using this as media is expanding the scope to the new watching type where audience is involved in the performance and the producer, work and audience are mutually interacted. 

Reflected holographic projection is mostly used for large-scale performance or exhibition due to high cost and space limitation, and the interaction technology is used with the performer instead of audience. From the view of audience, the gesture of performer is recognized and the image is responded and interacted, but the real image is reflected on the transparent screen located in front of the performer. It is an optical illusion. Therefore, the stage for reflective holographic projection should be above the audience.

The expressiveness is getting the spotlight as new artistic media too to express 3-D space through 2-D plane as the technology has been developed. The produced hologram 3-D image has mysterious charm and the hologram art using this as media is expanding the scope to the new watching type where audience is involved in the performance and the producer, work and audience are mutually interacted.